ABSTRACTThis study aims to evaluate the integration of Batu Ceper Railway Station and Public Transport Terminal of Poris Plawad in Tangerang passenger transport as transport node. The study was conducted by survey method. The number of samples were taken randomly by 100 respondents. Attribute observations for the servicesare 10 attributes associated with the facilities, infrastructure, operations, and human resources. Next, themethod analyzed is descriptive research and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), which aims to measure the relationship between the service user perceptions and priorities of improving the quality of products/services. Within the 10 attributes there are three (3) important attributes that required the attention of the organizers as the most important attributes according to the users, namely (1) Security and safety whileswitching modes in the Batu Ceper Railway Station and Public Transport Terminal of Poris Plawad, (2) Comfort and convenient in switching transport and (3) Ease of transfer modes. The value of customer satisfaction index score is 61.49%, it means the servicesareworse (very poor) therefore it is necessary to improve the services facilities to ensure a smoother switch between transport mode fromPublic Transport Terminal of Poris Plawadtowards Batu Ceper Railway Station.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengevaluasi keterpaduan Stasiun Kereta Api Batu Ceper Tangerang dan Terminal angkutan penumpang Poris Plawad sebagai simpul transportasi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei. Jumlah sampel penelitian diambil secara acak sederhana sebanyak 100 responden. Atribut pengamatan tentang pelayanan sebanyak 10 atribut yang terkait dengan sarana, prasarana, operasional, dan sumber daya manusia. Selanjutnya dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) yang bertujuan untuk mengukur hubungan antara persepsi pengguna jasa dan prioritas peningkatan kualitas produk/ jasa. Dari 10 atribut terdapat 3 (tiga) atribut penting yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian dari penyelenggara karena merupakan atribut jasa yang paling penting menurut pengguna jasa yaitu (1) Keamanan dan keselamatan saat berganti moda di Stasiun Batu Ceper dan Terminal Poris Plawad, (2) Kenyamanan dalam melakukan alih moda dan (3) Kemudahan alih moda. Dengan nilai indeks kepuasan konsumen sebesar 61,49%, berarti pelayanan sangat buruk (very poor) sehingga perlu peningkatan fasilitas pelayanan untuk melancarkan perpindahan moda dari Terminal Poris Plawad menuju Stasiun Batu Ceper.