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Pepustakaan Pusat Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

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Repository PIP Semarang
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Febrian,Muhammad 531611105979 N, 2021, “Analysis of the Causes of Delay
in the Process of loading and Unloading of MFO in MT Sapta Samudra”.
Program Diploma IV Program of Study Nautical, Diploma IV Program,
Nautical Study Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic,
Suvervisor I: Dr. Capt. MASHUDI ROFIK, M. Sc Supervisor II: Arya
Widiatmaja, S. ST, M. Si.
The occurrence of a problem on the ship in general is caused by the human error
factor (human error). Especially at the time of carrying out the loading and
unloading process is often delayed because of a lack of understanding and
skills of the crew in dealing with the loading and unloading process which in
this case will decrease the effectiveness of the work so as to cause a loss of
both time and material. For example, in the ship MT. Sapta Samudra when
carrying out the process of loading at the Jetty Donan 2 Cilacap one of the
tank should be empty accidentally valve drop to read a lot in the open state
so come filled with oil during the loading process, after checking the tank is
already filled about 30 KL, dikarnakan the tank must be empty then it
should be done the transfer of cargo using the cargo pump so it takes up
more time that should be not longer need to turn on the cargo pump during
the period of loading.
The research method of this thesis is a qualitative descriptive method. The data
source is taken from primary data and secondary data. The technique of data
collection was conducted through direct observation (observation),
interviews of some of the respondents in the ship MT. Sapta Samudra,
documentation and literature study.
Based on the results of research on the Analysis of the causes of process delays
the loading and unloading process that occurs in MT Sapta Samudra lack of
awareness of the crew will be the responsibility and precision when carrying
out guard duty loading and unloading in the field and also a lack of
understanding of the crew of valve-valve above the boat and the impact
caused by the delay in the process of loading and unloading on MT Sapta
Samudra is the presence of a Letter Of Protest from the port and endless
cause of the complaint the company of the crew on the ship on duty when
carrying out loading and unloading process as well as the Effort of handling
done crew MT Sapta Samudra when implementing enterprise for loading /
unloading by the crew when the delays in the process of loading and
unloading that do neningkatan competence on the entire crew to be more
thorough in carrying out the check valve when carrying out line-up will
remind awareness crew are on duty to check on every tank that is loaded /
not every 15 / 30 minutes and carry out sounding ullage carefully and after
that optimize the crew to berfamiliarisasi about valve valve above the ship.
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