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Repository PIP Semarang
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Saputra, Novan Bagus Prima. 52155839 T. 2020. “Analisis Pengaruh
Kerusakan Auxiliary Blower Terhadap Kinerja Main Engine Di Kapal
MT. Palu Sipat”, Program Diploma IV, Program Studi Teknika, Politeknik
Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I : Tony Santiko, S.ST., M.Si,
Pembimbing II : Nur Rohmah, S.E., M.M.
Auxiliary blower merupakan salah satu permesinan bantu yang berfungsi
mensuplai udara bilas tambahan ke dalam silinder untuk meningkatkan
pembakaran pada saat rpm turbocharger belum mencapai 8000 rpm atau pada
saat main engine (mesin induk) berada pada rpm rendah (kurang dari 90 rpm)
dikarenakan pada saat rpm rendah turbocharger belum bisa memenuhi kebutuhan
udara pada mesin induk dengan maksimal. Kapal MT. Palu Sipat saat melakukan
olah gerak (manouver) di perairan Sungai Musi Palembang tanggal 24 Agustus
2018 mengalami kerusakan salah satu auxiliary blower yang mengakibatkan main
engine tidak bisa menambah rpm. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
penyebab kerusakan auxiliary blower di MT. Palu Sipat, untuk mengetahui
dampak yang ditimbulkan dari kerusakan auxiliary blower di MT. Palu Sipat serta
untuk mengetahui cara mengatasi kerusakan auxiliary blower di MT. Palu Sipat.
Metode penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber
data diambil dari data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang
penulis gunakan adalah riset lapangan yang meliputi wawancara, observasi dan
dokumentasi sehingga didapatkan teknik keabsahan data. Teknik analisa data
menggunakan fishbone analysis dan SHEL analysis.
Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa penyebab keruskana auxiliary
blower di MT. Palu Sipat adalah kerusakan bearing shaft blower, kurangnya
kesadaran crew mesin dan engineer terhadap perawatan auxiliary blower,
keterlambatan supply spre part oleh pihak perusahaan, keadaan udara di kamar
mesin yang kotor. Dampak yang ditimbulkan dari kerusakan auxiliary blower
terhadap kinerja main engine di MT. Palu Sipat adalah kurangnya supply udara
bilas ke main engine, exhaust gas main engine berwarna hitam, main engine tidak
dapat menambah rpm. Cara mengatasi kerusakan auxiliary blower adalah
melakukan penggantian bearing shaft blower dengan yang baru, KKM selaku
pimpinan tertinggi berhak mengingatkan kesadaran crew terhadap perawatan
auxiliary blower, Pihak perusahaan harus tanggap pada setiap kejadian atau
trouble shooting di atas kapal, sering diadakan pengecekan, perawatan, dan
pembersihan terhadap komponen-komponen auxiliary blower secara berkala
sesuai manual book.

Saputra, Novan Bagus Prima. 52155839 T. 2020. “Analysis of the Effect of
Auxiliary Blower Damage on Main Engine Performance on MT. Palu
Sipat”, Minithesis of Technical Department, Diploma IV Program of
Merchant Marine Polytechnic Semarang, Mentor I : Tony Santiko, S.ST .,
M.Si, M.Mar.E, Mentor II : Nur Rohmah, S.E., M.M.
Auxiliary blower is one of the auxiliary machineries which functions to
supply additional rinse air into the cylinder to increase combustion when the
turbocharger rpm has not reached 8000 rpm or when the main engine is at low
rpm (less than 90 rpm) due to when the rpm Low turbochargers have not been
able to meet the air requirements of the main engine to the maximum. MT. Palu
Sipat while doing a maneuver in the waters of the Musi River in Palembang on
August 24, 2018 suffered damage to one of the auxiliary blowers which resulted
in the main engine not being able to increase the rpm. This study aims to
determine the cause of damage to auxiliary blowers in MT. Palu Sipat, to find out
the impact caused by damage to auxiliary blowers in MT. Palu Sipat and to find
out how to deal with damage to auxiliary blowers in MT. Palu Sipat.
The research method in this minithesis is descriptive qualitative method,
Sources of data taken from primery and secondary data. Technique of data
collection that the writer used is practical research which includes observations,
interview and literature review obtained data validity techniques. Technique of
data analysis using which Fishbone analysis and SHEL analysis.
The results of the study concluded that the cause of auxiliary blower in
MT. Palu Sipat is a damage to the bearing shaft blower, lack of awareness of the
engine crew and engineer of auxiliary blower maintenance, delays in the supply of
spare parts by the company, the state of the air in the dirty engine room. The
impact of auxiliary blower damage on main engine performance in MT. Palu
Sipat is the lack of rinse air supply to the main engine, the main engine exhaust
gas is black, the main engine cannot increase rpm. The way to overcome auxiliary
blower damage is to replace the bearing shaft blower with a new one, Chief
Engineer as the highest leader has the right to remind crew awareness of auxiliary
blower maintenance, the company must be responsive to any events or trouble
shooting on the ship, frequent checks, maintenance, and cleaning on auxiliary
blower components periodically according to the manual book.
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