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Pepustakaan Pusat Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Fungsi Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut dan Pantai (KPLP) Dalam Pelaksanaan Patroli Maritim Guna Penegakan Undang – Undang Pelayaran Dalam Wilayah Hukum KSOP Tanjung Emas Semarang
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Repository PIP Semarang
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The Coast Guard is directorate which functionate for being the guard and enforcer the rules based on UU No 17 2008 about marine The Coast Guard is needed because the vessel flow which get in Tanjung Emas Port have enhancement and need maritime patrol to avoid the maritime distarter. The purpose of this research are : 1). To knowing the description of maritime patrol activity in reliability and port authority law zone Tanjung Emas Semarang. 2). To knowing about the problems which faced when doing maritime patrol in reliability and port authority law zone Tanjung Emas Semarang. 3). To knowing the efforts for resolves the problem which happened in this topic the research using the descriptive qualitative writing method to descriptive and explain about object which observed,more over this research using observation , interview and literature study.
The research result which researcher did, 1). The unity of coast guard doing patrol appropriate with Regional work environtment and environmental areas of interest in Tanjung Emas Harbour Semarang. But, theres some problems when implementation in equipment facilities which support patrol. 2). The problems which faced when patrol is the condition of patrol support equipment live : patrol boat,guns,handytalving, need rerewal and inchancement skills. For the member of Coast Guard.3). the patrol support equipment treatment should I be better and enchance the training skills. So that the member has power and skill ful on duty.
Based on the research. Researcher give some advice . 1). The coast guard should more firm in enforce the law on harbour to make sure the activity in Tanjung Emas Semarang harbour still running safe and orderly. 2). It will be better if the equipment which used when patrol more SOP his ricared so that in implementation of maritime patrol nothing problems found and the function of coast guard can running well . 3). Is better if the Indonesian . government support the patrol to make the condition of sea area in Tanjung Emas more safe and if will be better . if theres join training with TNI AL-POLRI and the government make easy for all coast guard member to improve then skills from the training which held by government.
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