Integrated Transport Resource Catalog

Pepustakaan Pusat Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Collection Location
Repository PIP Semarang
Call Number
Series Title
Electronic Resource
Publishing Year
Publishing Place
Johan Deo Pranata, 52155863 K, 2019, “Analisis Penggunaan Auto Gate Guna
Meningkatkan Efisiensi Proses Receiving Container di Terminal Petikemas
Semarang”, Diploma IV, Ketatalaksanaan Angkutan Laut dan
Kepelabuhanan, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing (I) Sri
Suyanti, S.S., M.Si. (II) H. Rahyono,S.P1., M.M., MM.Mar.E
Auto gate merupakan pintu gerbang bagi container yang melayani pengiriman
barang untuk keperluan ekspor impor maupun pengiriman barang antar pulau
dengan menggunakan angkutan laut sistem container. Auto gate ini memerlukan
penanganan khusus dalam proses receiving container, tetapi sekarang ini masih
sering terjadi error pada scan barcode. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengetahui bagaimana proses receiving container melalui auto gate di Terminal
Petikemas Semarang, untuk mengetahui kendala apa yang terjadi pada saat proses
receiving container melalui auto gate di Terminal Petikema Semarang dan untuk
mengetahui bagaimana upaya PT. Pelindo III Semarang dalam menangani masalah
proses receiving container melalui auto gate di Terminal Petikemas Semarang.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian desklriptif kualitatif.
Penelitian deskriptif merupakan penelitian yang berusaha mendeskripsikan suatu
gejala, peristiwa yang terjadi pada saat sekarang atau masalah aktual dan penelitian
kualitatif merupakan penelitian yang mengacu pada data faktual serta menggunakan
cara sistematis sehingga dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kebenarannya. Metode
pengumpulan data saat penelitian ini berupa studi pustaka, dokumentasi, observasi,
dan wawancara.
Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa proses receiving container
melalui auto gate antara lain pengguna mengirimkan data ke Terminal Petikemas
Semarang, pengguna membuat job order melalui aplikasi mencetak E-CEIR lalu
mendistribusikan kepada pengemudi truck, pengemudi menuju gate in bersama
petikemas. Kendala yang terjadi pada saat proses receiving container melalui auto
gate antara lain timbulnya antrian pada saat penggunaan auto gate, kurang
maksimalnya pekerja gate saat proses pengecekan dokumen receiving container,
kurangnya sosialisasi dari PT. Pelindo III mengenai fungsi dan penanganan auto
gate system terhadap pelaku kegiatan receiving container. Upaya PT. Pelindo III
menangani masalah receiving container melalui auto gate adalah menyediakan
wilayah interchange area dengan fungsi untuk petikemas dicocokkan dengan
nomor petikemas, tipe ukuran, pelabuhan tujuan dan kapal pengangkut beserta
voyage number dan Memberikan pelatihan layanan kepada petugas gate untuk
melakukan pengecekan dan meneliti kesesuaian job slip dengan petikemas,
mengecek kondisi petikemas sesuai penjelasan pada job order.

Johan Deo Pranata, 52155863 K, 2019, “Analisis Penggunaan Auto Gate Guna
Meningkatkan Efisiensi Proses Receiving Container di Terminal Petikemas
Semarang”, Diploma IV, Port and Shipping Department, Semarang
Merchant Marine Polytechnic, 1st Advisor : Sri Suyanti, S.S., M.Si. 2nd
Advisor : H. Rahyono,S.P1., M.M., MM.Mar.E
Auto gate is a gate for containers that serve the delivery of goods for the
purpose of export and import or inter-island goods delivery using a containerized
sea transportation system. The auto gate requires special handling in the process
of receiving containers, but now there are still frequent errors in barcode scanning.
The purpose of this study is to find out how the process of receiving containers
through the auto gate at the Semarang Container Terminal, to find out what
obstacles occur during the receiving container process through the auto gate at the
Semarang Container Terminal and to find out how the efforts of PT. Pelindo III
Semarang in handling the problem of receiving container process through auto
gates at Semarang Container Terminal.
This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Descriptive
research is research that seeks to describe a phenomenon, events that occur at the
present time or actual problems and qualitative research is research that refers to
factual data and uses systematic methods so that they can be justified. Data
collection methods when this research is in the form of literature study,
documentation, observation, and interviews.
From the results of the study it can be seen that the process of receiving
containers through the auto gate includes the user sending data to the Semarang
Container Terminal, the user making a job order through the E-CEIR printing
application and then distributing it to the truck driver, the driver heading to the
gate in with the container. Constraints that occur during the process of receiving
containers through the auto gate include the emergence of a queue when using the
auto gate, less than the maximum gate workers when checking the receiving
container documents, the lack of socialization from PT. Pelindo III concerning the
function and handling of the auto gate system for perpetrators of receiving
container activities. The efforts of PT. Pelindo III handles the problem of receiving
containers through auto gates by providing interchange area areas with functions
for containers matched with container numbers, size types, destination ports and
transport vessels along with voyage numbers and providing service training to gate
officers to check and examine the suitability of job slips with container, check the
container condition as explained in the job order.
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