Geofrey Veranus Rahakbauw, 52155858 K, 2019, Efektivitas Pengawasan
Syahbandar dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Keselamatan, Keamanan dan
Ketertiban Penumpang di Pelabuhan Tual, Skripsi, Program Studi
Ketatalaksanaan Angkutan Laut dan Kepelabuhanan, Diploma IV,
Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang.
Pembimbing I: H. Suharso, S.H., S.Pd., S.E., M.M. Pembimbing II: Nasri,
M.T., M.Mar.E.
Pelabuhan Tual terletak di Kota Tual, Provinsi Maluku. Meskipun kecil,
Pelabuhan Tual termasuk salah satu pelabuhan yang cukup tinggi frekuensi arus
penumpang karena merupakan salah satu penghubung antara pulau-pulau di
Provinsi Maluku. Dengan skala tersebut di Pelabuhan Tual memiliki Kantor Unit
Penyelenggara Pelabuhan (UPP). Namun, masih saja ditemukan masalah seperti
fasilitas yang kurang memadai serta tindakan-tindakan arogansi oknum tertentu.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui standar pengawasan Syahbandar
dalam upaya mewujudkan keselamatan, keamanan, dan ketertiban penumpang,
untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penghambat pengawasan Syahbandar, dan untuk
mengetahui kinerja pengawasan Syahbandar di Pelabuhan Tual. Adapun jenis
penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara,
angket, observasi, studi dokumentasi dan studi pustaka.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Petugas Kesyahbandaran UPP Tual
telah menerapkan standar pengawasan keselamatan, keamanan, dan ketertiban
penumpang dan berpedoman pada SOP yang masih sangat sederhana yaitu berupa
Juklak (petunjuk pelaksanaan) yang ditandatangani oleh Kepala UPP. Adapum
faktor-faktor yang menghambat pengawasan faktor sosial, misal masih melekatnya
budaya sungkan di kalangan aparat syahbandar dan masyarakat sehingga
pemeriksaan keamanan terhadap penumpang kadang diabaikan. Faktor teknis,
misal ketersediaan sarana pemeriksaan seperti metal detektor hanya ada satu buah,
sedangkan pemindai x-ray belum ada. Berikutnya kinerja segelintir oknum pegawai
dapat dikatakan belum sempurna, masih ada petugas yang tidak ramah dalam
memberikan pelayanan pengawasan kepada penumpang dikarenakan menggunakan
kalimat yang kurang baik. Di sisi lain, kinerja mereka perlu diapresiasi karena
sanggup kerja melebihi ketentuan yaitu saat menangani penumpang membludak.
Kesimpulan bahwa SOP pengawasan keselamatan dan keamanan penumpang di
Pelauhan Tual telah berjalan meskipun masih jauh dari yang diharapkan atau masih
jauh dari standar ISM code dan ISPS Code.
Geofrey Veranus Rahakbauw, 52155858 K, 2019, The Effectiveness of
Harbormaster Supervision in Effort to Realize Passengers Safety , Security
and Orderliness in Tual Port, The Study Program of Port and Shipping
Management, Diploma IV, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic.
Adviser I: H. Suharso, S.H., S.Pd., S.E., M.M. Adviser II: Nasri, M.T.,
Tual Port is located in Tual City, Maluku Province. Although Tual Port is
small, it is one of the ports with a high frequency of passenger flow because it is
one of the links between the islands in Maluku Province. With this scale, there is no
KSOP in Tual Harbor, but there is only a Port State Unit (UPP). However, problem
are still found such as inadequate facilities and act of arrogance by certain
This study aims to determine the standards of Syahbandar supervision in an
effort to realize passenger safety, security and order, to determine the inhibiting
factors of Syahbandar supervision, and to determine the performance of
Syahbandar supervision in Tual Port. The type of research is qualitative
descriptive. The method used is interview, observation, documentation study and
literature study.
The results showed that the UPP Tual broadband officer had applied safety,
security and passenger order supervision standards and guided the SOP which was
still very simple in the form of operational guidelines (implementation instructions)
signed by the UPP Head Office. There are also factors that hinder supervision such
as social factors where the culture is still inherent among the martyrdom and
community apparatus so that security checks on passengers are sometimes ignored.
Technical factors, such as the availability of inspection facilities such as metal
detectors, have only one piece, while the x-ray scanner does not yet exist. Next The
performance of a handful of individual employees can be said to be imperfect, there
are still officers who are not friendly in providing supervision services to
passengers due to using unfavorable words. On the other hand, their performance
needs to be appreciated because they are able to work beyond the provisions,
namely when handling booming passengers. The conclusion is that the SOP for the
safety and security supervision of passengers in Tual Port has been running even
though it is still far from what is expected or still far from the ISM code and ISPS
Code standards.