Integrated Transport Resource Catalog

Pepustakaan Pusat Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

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Repository PIP Semarang
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Electronic Resource
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Alun Prabowo, 2017, NIT: 50134984 T, "Analisa Penyebab Keretakan Cylinder head
pada Main Engine di MT. Alexandria”. Dengan Metode Software, hardware,
environment, liveware (SHEL) dan urgency, seuriusness, growth (USG),
Program D IV, Politekhnik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, pembimbing (1) H.
Suwondo, MM, M.Mar.E. (2) Febria Surjaman, M.T.
Cylinder head main engine merupakan bagian mesin yang sangat penting dalam
menunjang pengoperasian main engine. Cylinder head berfungsi sebagai penutup
cylinder dan sebagai tempat injektor untuk mengabutkan bahan bakar. Cylinder head
terdiri dari injector, exhaust valve, starting valve, intake alve, pendingin. Cylinder head
harus dibantu dengan proses pendinginan yang baik untuk menghindari kerusakan.
Peneliti menggunakan metode USG (urgency, seriousness, growth) dan metode
software, hardware, environment, liveware (SHELL) untuk mengetahui prioritas
permasalahan yang menyebabkan keretakan cylinder head. Keretakan cylinder head
pada main engine disebabkan oleh kelelahan bahan yang tidak sesuai jam kerja (running
hours), tidak maksimalnya pendinginan cylinder head, kurang berjalanya PMS (plan
maintenance system) serta terjadinya pembakaran susulan (detonasi)
Faktor penyebab keretakan cylinder head adalah kelelahan bahan cylinder head,
tidak optimalnya pendinginan pada cylinder head, kurang berjalannya PMS (plan
maintenace system) dan terjadinya pembakaran susulan (detonasi). Dampak keretakan
cylinder head adalah berkurangnya tenaga mesin akibat masuknya air pendingin ke
dalam ruang bakar. Upaya untuk mengatasi keretakan tersebut adalah dengan mengganti
cylinder head dengan yang baru, selalu mengecek dan merawat sistem pendinginan,
melakukan PMS (plan maintenace sytem) dengan sungguh-sungguh dan melakukan
penyetingan timming bahan bakar dengan benar sesuai manual book.

Alun Prabowo, 2017, NIT: 50134984 T, "Analysis of the crack in cylinder head Main
Engine on MT. Alexandria”. Dengan Metode Software, hardware, environment,
liveware (SHEL) dan urgency, seuriusness, growth (USG), Program D IV,
Politekhnik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, pembimbing (1) H. Suwondo, MM,
M.Mar.E. (2) Febria Surjaman, M.T.
Cylinder head main engine is an engine part that is very important in supporting
the operation of the main engine. Cylinder head functions as a cylinder cover and as an
injector to ignite fuel. Cylinder head consists of injectors, exhaust valve, starting valve,
intake valve, cooler. Cylinder head must be assisted by a good cooling process to avoid
damage. The researcher used the USG method (urgency, seriousness, growth) and
software, hardware, environment, liveware (SHELL) methods to determine the priority
of the problems that caused the cylinder head crack. Cylinder head cracks on main
engine are caused by fatigue of material that does not work (running hours), not
maximum cooling of the cylinder head, lack of PMS (plan maintenace system) and
subsequent combustion (detonation).
Factors from the rules of the manual (software), machine damage (Hardware),
environmental factors (environment) and the factor of human negligence (liveware) will
be seen how the solution to overcome the factors that cause cracks in the cylinder head.
Then from several of these factors, the priorities of the factors that will be discussed by
the USG method (urgency, personality, growth) will be obtained.
The discussion of this thesis explains about factors, impacts, ways to overcome
and prevention efforts. Cracks occur due to the fatigue of the cylinder head material due
to lack of maintenance and age factors, lack of cooling to the cylinder head, lack of PMS
running and human detonation. The effort to overcome the cracks is to replace the new
cylinder head with sound and take care to extend the life of the cylinder, always check
and maintain the cooling system, carry out PMS in earnest and make fuel tuning
correctly according to the manual book.
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