Integrated Transport Resource Catalog

Pepustakaan Pusat Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

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Repository PIP Semarang
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Bima Pamula Vikaso, 2019, NIT : 51145435 T, “Analisa kerusakan motor listrik
pada crane saat bongkar muat di MV.DK 01”, skripsi Program Studi
Teknika, Program Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang,
Pembimbing I: Dr.Eko Nugroho W.MM.M.Mar. E., Pembimbing II: Dr.
Capt. Mashudi Rofik M,S.c, M.Mar,
motor listrik tidak terlepas hubungannya dengan keberadaan alat bongkar muat
di kapal yaitu Cargo Crane yang digunakan untuk proses menaikkan muatan ke atas
kapal ataupun proses bongkar muatan dari kapal ke darat sehingga kapal dapat
melakukan fungsi kerjanya secara baik. Adanya permasalahan atau gangguan pada
sistem komponen motor listrik pada crane dapat mengakibatkan keterlambatan pada
bangket/grab sehingga proses bongkar muat tidak dapat bekerja dengan normal.
Seketika langsung diadakan pengecekan motor listrik pada crane.
Mengingat pentingnya cargo crane agar dapat mengangkat beban sesuai
safe working loadnya maka keberadaan cargo crane di kapal harus dirawat
dengan baik, penulis menjabarkan tentang fungsi komponen motor listrik pada
crane untuk memecahkan masalah yang ada dalam proses penelitian. Dengan
metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah SWOT (Strenghts, Weakneses, Oportunitis
and Threats) dan HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Study), dimana kerusakan motor listri
dengan pemecahan masalah SWOT digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor–faktor
penyebab kerusakan motor listrik dan digunakan untuk pemecahan masalah, dimana
HAZOP digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi dampak dari kerusakan motor listrik.
Dengan mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab cargo crane tidak dapat
mengangkat beban dan upaya-upaya untuk menanggulangi masalah tersebut
diharapkan penanganan pada cargo crane lebih terarah dan down time cargo
crane lebih kecil serta tidak menggangu proses bongkar-muat dan operasi dari
kapal itu sendiri sehingga kegiatan pelayaran dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan
perusahaan tidak mengalami kerugian yang disebabkan terganggunya operasional
kapal, pada akhir bagian skripsi penulis menyajikan kesimpulan dan saran. Untuk
maalah yang terjadi dan memmberi saran agar melaksanakan perbaikan dan
perawatan sesuai Instruction Manual Book.

Bima Pamula Vikaso, 2019, NIT: 51145435 T, "Analysis of damage to electric
motors on cranes during loading and unloading in MV. DK 01", Thesis
of Engineering Study Program, Diploma IV Program, Semarang
Shipping Science Polytechnic, Advisor I: Dr.Eko Nugroho W . MM.
Mar. E., Advisor II: Dr. Capt. Mashudi Rofik M, S.c, M.Mar,
Electric motors on cranes that function as luffing, hoisting or slewing motors
on cargo cranes. Cargo crane serves to raise the load on the boat or reduce the
load from the ship to the land, converting electric power into motion energy.
Overload caused by damage to the bearing which results in the stator being briefly
related to the frame on the electric motor on the crane. Which can be a single
phasing or which means that one of the 3 supply lines is cut off. So that it can
cause no power to hold the power from the motor in which one of the streams is
cut off. As a result of the incident, the ship that was supposed to finish the process
of loading the goods within a few days was delayed and the company had to pay
an additional fee for the incident.
The impact of damage to electric motors on cranes is very influential on the
shipping business because it is related to the loss of time and material related
shipping companies. Considering the importance of the cargo crane so that it can
lift the load according to its safe working load, the presence of cargo cranes on the
ship must be properly maintained. With the approach method used is HAZOP
(Hazard and Operability Study) and SWOT (Strenghts, Weakneses, Opportunitis
and Threats), where Hazop is used to identify the factors that cause damage to
electric motors and the impact of electric motor damage while SWOT is used for
problem solving.
By knowing the factors that cause cargo cranes cannot lift loads and efforts
to overcome these problems, it is expected that the handling of cargo cranes is
more directed and down time cargo cranes are smaller and do not interfere with
the loading and unloading process and operation of the ship itself so that shipping
activities can run smoothly and the company does not experience losses due to
disruption of ship operations, at the end of the thesis section the author presents
conclusions and suggestions.
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