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Pepustakaan Pusat Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

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Repository PIP Semarang
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Faliq Ahda Mahardika, NIT. 51145346.T, 2019 “Analisis Terjadinya Ledakan Di
Dalam Ruang Bakar Auxiliary Boiler Mv. Kt 05”, Program Diploma IV,
Teknika, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: H.Irwan, S.H,
MPd, M.Mar.E dan Pembimbing II: Okvita Wahyuni, S.ST, MM
Boiler adalah sebuah bejana tertutup pembentuk uap dengan tekanan lebih
besar dari 1 (satu) atmosfer, dengan cara memanaskan air di dalam tabung tertutup
oleh gas-gas panas yang dihasilkan dari pembakaran bahan bakar di dalam ruang
pembakaran boiler, sehingga menghasilkan uap panas yang bertekanan tinggi. Pada
saat ini boiler yang kita kenal secara umum dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu boiler pipa api
dan boiler pipa air. Jenis boiler pipa air lebih banyak digunakan dari pada boiler
pipa api karena perawatan yang lebih mudah dan mempunyai efisiensi yang tinggi.
Oleh sebab itu boiler harus dirawat dengan baik, agar proses pembentukan uap dapat
berlangsung dengan baik.
Metode yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode shel analysis
(software hardware environment liftware) dan usg analysis (urgency seriousness
growth) sebagai metode untuk menentukan faktor permasalahan dan event-event
yang ada pada permasalahan. Adapun rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah
faktor apa yang menyebabkan ledakan diruang bakar boiler, apa dampak yang
ditimbulkan, dan apa upaya yang dilakukan terhadap masalah yang ada.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa terjadinya ledakan di
dalam ruang bakar auxiliary boiler adalah tidak bekerjanya secara normal solenoid
valve sehingga bahan bakar tidak terkontrol saat masuk ke main burner. Hal ini
mengakibatkan bahan bakar menggenang di ruang bakar. Karena hal tersebut maka
perlu adanya maintenance terhadap solenoid valve yaitu dengan mengecek solenoid
valve tersebut. Dengan melaksanakan maintenance diharapkan masalah yang terjadi
dapat teratasi.

Faliq Ahda Mahardika, NIT. 51145346.T, 2019 “Analysis of the Occurrence of the
Explosion in the Auxiliary Boiler Combustion Room Mv. Kt 05”, Diploma
Program IV, Engineering, Merchant Marine Polytechnics Semarang, Advisor
I: H. Irwan, S.H, MPd, M.Mar.E and Advisor II: Okvita Wahyuni, S.ST, MM
Boiler is a closed vessel which has functions to form steam with a pressure
greater than 1 atmosphere. The way of the boiler works is by heating the water in a
tube that is covered by the hot gases that is produced from the fuel burning in the
boiler combustion room therefore the result of the combustion process is the high
pressure hot steam. In general, the boilers that we know today are divided into two
namely the fire pipe boilers and the water pipe boilers. From both of the two types of
boilers, the type of water pipe boiler is more often used than a fire pipe boiler
because the maintenance is easier and it has the high efficiency. Therefore the boiler
must be treated properly so that the formed of the steam process takes place well.
The research method that is used in this thesis is the SHEL analysis method
(software hardware environment lift ware) and USG analysis (urgency seriousness
growth). Both of them are used to decide the factors problem and the events that are
founded in the problem. There are three problems of the research that is explained in
this thesis. They are: what are the causes of explosion in the boiler combustion room,
what are the impacts of the explosion of the boiler that occur in the boiler
combustion room, and what are the efforts that have to do to resolve the problem.
Based on this research, the researcher concluded that the explosion that occur
in the auxiliary boiler combustion room is because the solenoid valve that it does not
work normally therefore the fuel is not controlled when entering the main burner and
inundated the boiler combustion room. The efforts that have to do to resolve this
problem are the maintenance to solenoid valve. That controls the solenoid valve
therefore the problem can be resolved.
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