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Repository PIP Semarang
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Abluri,2019,NIT:51145300.T,“Analisa kurangnya tekanan hydrophore tank terhadap suplai air tawar di kapal MV. Sinar Banda”, skripsi Progam Studi Teknika, Program Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: ABDI SENO, M.Si., M.Mar.E, Pembimbing II: FEBRIA SURJAMAN, M.T.
Hydrophore tank atau water pressure tank adalah tangki yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan air sementara, lalu memisahkan air dan udara melalui membrane sehingga udara di dalammnya terkompresi. Air dalam tangki tersebut dialirkan ke dalam suatu distribusi bangunan. Pompa bekerja secara otomatis yang diatur oleh suatu detector tekanan, yang menutup/membuka saklar motor listrik penggerak pompa. Pompa berhenti bekerja kalau tekanan tangki telah mencapai suatu batas minimum yang ditetapkan. Dalam system ini udara yang terkompresi akan menekan air ke dalam system distribusi dan setelah berulang kali mengembang dan terkompresi lama kelamaan akan berkurang, karena larut dalam air atau ikut terbawa keluar tangki. System tangki tekan biasanya dirancang agar volume udara tidak lebih dari 30% terhadap volume tangki 70% volume tangki berisi air.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam penyampaian masalah adalah dengan gabungan metode SHEL (Softwere, Hardwere, Environment, Livewere) untuk mengidentifikasi masalah yang diteliti, dengan metodeUSG (Urgency, Seriousness, Growth) untuk mendapatkan prioritas rumusan masalah berupafaktor penyebab, dampak dan upaya,kurangnya tekanan hydrophore tank terhadap suplai air tawar di kapal MV. Sinar Banda.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan penulis di kapal MV. Sinar Banda pada tanggal pada 15 Agustus 2016 sampai dengan 20 November 2017 dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyebab kurangnya tekanan hydrophore tank terhadap supalai air tawar dari kategori software berupa perawatan yang dilakukan tidak sesuai maintenance plan, kategori hardware berupa feed water pump bekerja tidak normal, kategori environment tidak beraturnya penggunaan air tawar, kategori lifeware berupa kurangnya pengetahuan dan pengalaman tentang hydrophore tank. Upaya yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan pengecekan dan perbaikan sesuai jadwal maintenance plan, melakukan daily inspection dan perawatan pada feed water pump, melakukan pembatasan penggunaan air tawar agar kinerja hydrophore tank normal, memberikan training dan ujian sebelum naik kapal.

Abluri, 2019, NIT: 51145300.T, "Analysis of the lack of hydrophore tank pressure
on the supply of fresh water on the MV vessel. Sinar Banda ", Technical Study Program thesis, Diploma IV Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Advisor I: ABDI SENO, M.Sc., M.Mar.E, Advisor II: FEBRIA SURJAMAN, M.T.
Hydrophore tank or water pressure tank is a tank that functions to store water temporarily, then separates water and air through the membrane so that the air inside is compressed. The water in the tank is flowed into a building distribution. The pump works automatically which is regulated by a pressure detector, which closes / opens the switch of the pump motor electric motor. The pump stops working if the tank pressure has reached a specified minimum limit. In this system compressed air will press water into the distribution system and after repeatedly expanding and compressing over time it will decrease, because it dissolves in water or gets carried out of the tank. The tank press system is usually designed so that the air volume of no more than 30% of the tank volume is 70% the volume of the tank containing water.
The research method used by the researcher in the delivery of the problem is by combining the SHEL method (Softwares, Hardwares, Environment, Livewere) to identify the problem under study, with the method of USG (Urgency, Seriousness, Growth) to prioritize the formulation of various problems, causes and efforts, lack of hydrophore tank pressure on freshwater supply on MV vessels. Sinar Banda.
Based on the results of research conducted by the author on the MV ship. Sinar Banda on the date of August 15, 2016 to November 20, 2017 it can be concluded that the cause of the hydrophore tank pressure on freshwater supalai from the software category in the form of maintenance is not according to maintenance plan, the hardware category in the feed water pump works abnormally, the environment category is not the use of fresh water, the category of lifeware in the form of lack of knowledge and experience about hydrophore tanks. Efforts are made by checking and repairing the maintenance plan schedule, conducting daily inspection and maintenance on the feed water pump, limiting the use of fresh water so that the performance of normal hydrophore tanks, providing training.
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