Irza Aldi Afriza, 2018, NIT 50134804. N, The Effect of Hydraulic Oil Leakage
on the Deck on the Discharge Process of Fuel Oil in MT. Champion One",
essay with Nuatika Studies Program, Diploma IV Program, Semarang
Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Advisor I: Ir. Boedojo Wiwoho, S.J., M.T,
Second Advisor: Dr. Winarno, S.ST., M.H
The influence of hydraulic oil leakage on the deck on the loading process is
common, but it must be immediately overcome. Hydraulic oil leaks have an effect
on ship performance especially when the ship is unloading. Any problems that
arise in the activity of dismantling the load has the potential to increase dwelling
time resulting in losses, especially for ship owners and charter parties. All the
risks involved result in loss of time and cost, the role of an officer who
understands this issue is indispensable.
The hydrulic oil leak that a natural researcher had experienced while
conducting the research was not a pure mistake from the ship. However, the
company is also influential in the occurrence of leaks. Factors that researchers
found both from the ship and from the company include: the lack of
responsiveness in the supply of goods and lack of routine hydraulic line
Based on the results of research and discussion of the problems regarding
the influence of hydraulic oil leak and the impacts that occurred in MT. Champion
One is caused because the hydraulic line above the deck is often exposed to rain
and heat making it easy to rust. Given the size of a small hydraulic line making it
very easy to leak. At the time of MT. Champion One carries out loading activities
at Tanjung Priok, a leaked hydraulic line that drips hydraulic oil on the deck. If the
line has a valve opening/valve cover automatically operated through the Cargo
Control Room will not run optimally, so the ship must stop cargo and contact the
land side. This resulted in the ship having delayed departure and cost losses.
By knowing the cause and effect caused by the problems that occur, should
immediately make improvements made by the ship. The problem of delayed
departures resulting from a hydraulic line leak needs to be re-examined on routine
hydraulic line maintenance over decks, collective bargaining, and improving the
quality and mental officers if overcome the problem.
Keywords: Leakage of hidraulic line, discharge of cargo, MT. Champion One