Dimas Satryo Bintoro, 2016, NIT : 49124443. N, “Cargo Handling Optimalization
Liquified Natural Gases (lng) onboard LNG-Carrier
Tangguh Palung With SWOT Analysis To Prevent
Dangerous Risk”, Nautical Thesis, Diploma IV Program,
Merchant Marine Polythecnic Semarang.. Material Adviser
I: Capt. Agus Hadi Purwantomo, M.Mar. dan Methodology
and Writing Advisor II: H. Rahyono, S.P1, M.M, M.Mar.E.
LNG/C Tangguh Palung is a trading vessel that used as sea transportation to
carry good inshape of Liquified Natural Gases. This thesis writing focused on special
attention given to dangerous goods liquified methane (CH4). The handling of this
goods is different with other goods. The points of this research that focused on the
reason why it is needed to optimalyze the charging of dangerous goods LNG
(methane) and how is the effort of the officer and ships crew in applying the
international regulation so it will work optimally and also safe from dangerous risk
In the dangerous goods handling, landside will send the stowage plan toward
the vessel first through email, after that, 1st Mate will analyze when the vessel is
going to be charged. That analyze is done based on the Cargo Handling Guidance
and ISGOTT. After all of that have been corrected, then the 1st Mate done the Risk
Assessment to all activity that will be done onboard ship in discharging process at
port. After that, optimalization process in charging the dangerous goods done by
internal strategic factors analysis summary (IFAS), external strategic factors
analysis summary (EFAS), dan strength weakness opportunities threat (SWOT).
Strength and chances that owned used to cope with all the weaknesses and
threats that exist. SWOT analysis will come up with some strategy in the
optimalization of dangerous goods charging process liquified natural gases (LNG) to
prevent the dangerous risk onboard LNG/C Tangguh Palung.
Keyword : Dangerous goods, liquified natural gases, risk assessment, IFAS, EFAS,