Arti Kusuma Putri, 2018, NIT: 51145208 N, “Manajemen Pergantian Muatan dari
Muatan Butadiene ke LPG MIX (Propane & Buthane) di MT. Gas Nuri
Arizona”. Nautical Departmen, Diploma IV Program, Semarang Merchant
Marine Polytechnics, 1st Supervisor : Capt. Hadi Supriyono, MM, M.Mar. dan
2nd Supervisor : F. Pambudi Widiatmaka, ST, MT., M.Mar.E.
LPG Carrier is one of the vessels which carries gas that is being liquefied.
Every gas tanker has different characteristic, both in handling the load and the
carriage system. MT. Gas Nuri Arizona is a vessel with Fully Pressurized type which
designed to load huge amount of LPG and Liquefied gas. The purpose of this
research are, to know the preparation before loading, the activity of load-changing
from Butadiene to LPG MIX (Propane and Buthane), obstacles, and the efforts to
prevent any harms.
From the research that had been done in sea project on MT. Gas Nuri Arizona
about the management of load-changing from butadiene to LPG, this research use
Fishbone Analysis Method which supported with Fishbone Diagram, and the data
gathered by observation, by observibg the object directly, interview with the
respondents of crew MT. Gas Nuri Arizona, and supported with documentation
From the research above, we can conclude that with increasing knowledge by
doing traing and giving instruction of the loading-Discharging procedure, duty and
responsibilities of every crew, also hold safety meeting for all of the crews to give
information on preparation and activities before the event, and a routinely monitor
from officers on duty to minimize the obstacles at load changing form Butadiene to
LPG MIX (Propane and Buthane).
Keyword : Butadiene, LPG, Fully Pressurized.