Abdul Gani, NIT : 50134736.N, 2017 "Manifold Cargo Hose Maintenance
Optimizing for fluency cargo operation”, Diploma IV, Nautical, Semarang
Merchant Marine Polytechnic, First guide: Dr. Capt. H. Wisnu Handoko,
M.Sc. second guide: Tony Santiko S.ST., M.Si
As a means of transportation required to carry a load of bituminous this is a
special type of tanker that contains asphalt. For that in the process of loading and
unloading must run well and one of the success factors in the process of loading
and discharging is the supporting tool of loading and discharging asphalt is cargo
According to the ISGINTT book (2010) "Cargo hose is a hose used to
transport cargo from ship to shore like liquid chemicals and oil types" Cargo hose
must comply with standard specifications Which is recognized, or as recommended
by OCIMF and confirmed by existing hose manufacturers. The hose must be of the
appropriate grade and type for the service and operating conditions to be used.
Special hoses are required for use with high temperature loads, such as hot asphalt,
and also for use with low temperature cargo. At the time of the authors carry out
the practice of the occurrence of marine occurrence of cargo hose rupture and cause
the process of cargo operation loading and discharging becomes inhibited.
Therefore, the optimization of cargo hose care on a regular basis is
necessary to maintain the work of the cargo hose. Care is done in order to maintain
the quality of the cargo hose in order to work optimally and will not hamper the
cargo operation loading and discharging process on board the MT. Jaya Ocean.
Keyword: Cargo Hose, Maintenance, Cargo Operation