Mutiara Ayu Puspita Dewi, NIT. 51145544.K, 2018 "The Effect of Work
Compensation and Motivation on Employee Performance PT. Pelabuhan
Indonesia III (Persero) Terminal Petikemas Semarang" Diploma IV Program,
Port and Shipping Department, Merchant Marine Polytechnic of Semarang,
Supervisor I: Dr. Winarno, S.ST.,M.H. dan Supervisor II: Sri Suyanti, S.S.
In an organization or company, employees are company assets that are very
useful for the interests of management in carrying out the operations and activities of
the company. Employees as Human Resources must be considered in various aspects
because without the presence of Human Resources it is impossible for the company
to run smoothly. Human Resources plays an important role in achieving corporate
goals. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of compensation and work
motivation on the performance of employees of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III
(Persero) Semarang Container Terminal.
In this thesis the research method used is a qualitative research method that
regulates a research method by using several aspects such as data collection through
literature study, interview and documentation.
Based on the results of the study showed that compensation and work motivation
together affect employee performance. It is recommended that PT. Pelabuhan
Indonesia III (Persero) Semarang Container Terminal can provide meals and bonuses
that are appropriate and appropriate with the time set by the company before,
providing a kind of intensive and ongoing training, seminars with the theme of work
motivation, and controlling each employee regarding employee performance that has
been done and occasionally giving a kind of direct briefing to every employee who
has low performance so that in the future it is expected to reduce the level of
mistakes and grow and increase employee initiatives to complete the work on time.
Keywords : Compensation, Work Motivation, Employee Performance