Dimas Lovianda, 51145533, 2018, ” Analysis of the Application of Occupational
Health Safety during Fuel Bunker at Armada Timur Surabaya”. Minithesis
Port and Shipping Department, Diploma IV, Merchant Marine Polytechnic of
Semarang. Supervisor : (1) H. Suharso, S.H., S.Pd., S.E., M.M, (2)
Purwantono, S.Psi, M.Pd.
PT Pertamina Trans Continental (PTK) was originally established under the
name of PT Pertamina Tongkang established on September 9, 1969 in Jakarta, with
its status as a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero). From the beginning the purpose
of the establishment of PTK is as a company engaged in the field of Maritime
Services Industry that serves to provide total support to the activities of PT Pertamina
(Persero), such as. To procure the distribution of fuel to all ports in all parts of
Indonesia that can not be reached by tankers.
This study aims to determine the factors that hamper the occupational safety
program, the dangers that will occur during the bunker process, and the efforts that
have been done by PT.Pertamina Trans Kontinental. The method used is qualitative
descriptive. Data collection methods used are by way of interview techniques,
observation techniques, documentation techniques, and library techniques. This study
aims to determine the role of operations staff, obstacles encountered, and efforts
The results showed that the researchers obtained data on the role of the crew in
the implementation of occupational health safety during bunker process. Based on
research conducted the researchers concluded that the factors causing the work safety
program is not running optimally can inhibit the bunker process and can cause
hazards accident or disturb the health of the crew. And efforts made will minimize
the occurrence of work kecalakaan at bunker process.
Keywords : The Role of Occupational Safety Health, Activity Bunker, Armada
Timur Surabaya