Budi Agung Sugiharto, NIT 51145531.K, 2018, ”Optimization of Occupational
Health and Safety Programs on Workers Expediting Shiploads Cargo Port
of Tanjung Intan Cilacap”, Mini Thesis Port and Shipping Departement,
Diploma IV Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Supervisor
(I): Irma Shinta Dewi, S.S., M.Pd, and as Methodologi and Supervisor (II):
Vega Fonsula Andromelda, S.ST., S.Pd.
PT. Nusa Ampera Indah is engaged in services in transportation
management or EMKL (Marine Ship Expedition). In this work, Occupational
Health and Safety is very important and needs to be considered in its
implementation. At PT. Nusa Ampera Indah Cilacap the implementation of
occupational health and safety of shiploading expedition work is still not fully
implemented. The purpose of this study was to determine 1) the OHS program
that was implemented, 2) the factors that hindered the implementation of the
OHS program that was implemented and 3) the efforts taken so that the
implementation of K3 on shiploading expedition workers could run well and
The study used a qualitative descriptive method to describe and describe
the object under study. This method aims to get a comprehensive and clear
picture in detail about the implementation of the occupational health and safety
program of the shiploading expedition workforce implemented by PT. Nusa
Ampera Indah Cilacap. Data collection methods used are interview techniques,
observation techniques, and documentation techniques.
The results of the research carried out, showed the Occupational Health
and Safety program (K3) applied by PT. Nusa Ampera Indah Cilacap is the
Occupational Health and Safety Management System (K3) based on Government
Regulation Number 50 of 2012 with K3 Policy guidelines, K3 Planning,
Implementation of OHS plans, K3 performance monitoring and evaluation, OHS
performance review and improvement. The constraints encountered in the
implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety program were the lack of
education and understanding of the importance of occupational safety and health
and accidents on the road caused by outsiders. Efforts were made to overcome
the obstacles encountered in the implementation of the OHS program by
conducting safety meetings before carrying out the work and providing K3
training routinely.
Keyword: Application, Occupational Safety and Health, EMKL.