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Optimalisasi Pengoperasian Reliquefaction Plant untuk Menangani Permasalahan dalam Proses Pemuatan Gas LPG di Kapal MT. Gas Komodo
Collection Location
Repository PIP Semarang
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Electronic Resource
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Muhammad Rizky Bimantoro, 2018, NIT: 50134787 N, "Optimization of
Reliquefaction Plant Operation to Address Problems in the LPG Gas
Process on MT Komodo Gas Ship", Diploma IV, Nautika, Polytechnic of
Semarang Sailing Scout, Supervisor I: Dodik Widarbowo, MT, M.Mar
and Supervisor II: Ir . Fitri Kensiwi, M.Pd
The transport of LPG on a fully refrigerated LPG vessel requires special
attention to the problem that is often experienced by high tank pressure. In
operation the charge of fully refrigerated cargo handling of the temperature and
pressure on the load tank is very important, because the factors that cause the
loading delay is due to the existence of very high tank pressure, and not optimal
Reliquefaction Plant to reduce pressure on the load tank, so it is necessary to
know how the handling temperature and the pressure on the loading tank in its
loading and the constraints that affect it and the effort in overcoming the
constraints. As for the literature review as supporting the writing of thesis that the
LPG charge at outside air pressure will evaporate at very low temperature that is -
42.30C for propane and -0.50C for butane. Then the temperature and pressure on
the load tank must remain in a stable state in keeping the charge in liquid form.
In writing this thesis the author uses descriptive method, qualitative, and
data collection by observation by observing directly the object of research,
conducting interviews with a number of respondents and supported by the method
of documentation. Based on the result of research that in handling less than
optimal Operation of Reliquefaction Plant at the time of LPG loading process.
The obstacles are limited power generator, lack of coordination between the ship
and the pertamina operation and high load temperature. As a result the loading
time will be longer. So the effort to overcome them is to immediately
communicate with pertamina operation and operate the ballast pump before
loading to reliquefaction plant operate 4 sets and reduce the loading rate.
In the end results of research on Optimization of Reliquefaction Plant
Operation to Handle Problems in LPG Gas Loading Process in MT Ship. Gas
Komodo is very important to be done on board for the creation of an objective
(facilitating the implementation of fully refrigerated LPG loading) and can be
accounted for and can be taken a conclusion or as an evaluation for reference
Key word: LPG fully refrigerated, delays of loading process, temperature and
pressure of cargo tanks, loading operation.
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