Dixki Nur Kholix,NIT: 50134778 N, 2017, ”Oil Prevent Polution Training in MT.
Madonna Sun as Effort to Minimalize Risk of Oil Spill to the Sea” Nautical
Thesis ,Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Supervisor: (I)
Capt. Hadi Supriyono, M.Mar, M.M, Supervisor (II): H. Suharso, S.H, S.Pd,
S.E, M.M
In accordance with requirement MARPOL 1973/1978 all vessel shall organize
to prevent oil spill, thus it’s needed to review everything that related to Shipboard Oil
Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP). Everything that related to polution matter
explained in Regulation No. 32 year 2009 over ecosistem pollution. Sea Pollution
started from three years after the first oil carrier “Gluckauf” is launched in 1885 and
diesel machine as main engine of vessel is used. And so the Goverment Rule No. 21
year 2010 is issued over maritime ecosistem protection explain how the preventing
procedure and the handling on board the vessel, also related to equipment and
material that used with trainings that should be done on board the vessel
The purpose of this research is to know any factor that made handling of oil spill was
not optimum onboard MT. Madonna Sun and how handling polution prevention
training system that should be applied. The type of this research was descriptive
qualitative. While the collection methods that used were obsevation, interview,
literature review, and documentation study, it took around 12 months.
In data analysis and research result contain of writer’s explanation about
general view of research’s object and handling process of oil spill on board as
observation and writer’s interview with related parties on field. And then compared to
any procedure. Finally writer could take conclution that there were three factors that
made handling of oil spill was not optimum onboard MT. Madonna Sun which are
the role of vessel’s crew, equipment’s condition, and also handling procedure. Where
the performance of handling oil spill was not regularly done and the responsible from
every crew over handling of oil spill which listed on Shipboard Oil Pollution
Emergency Plan (SOPEP) Drill was not done well.
Keywords: pollution, training, MARPOL