Falatansa Insan Kautsar, NIT, 49124510T, 2017, "Influence a reduction of scavenge air against working Main Engine with method Fishbone and Hazop at MV. EGS TIDE" Diploma IV, Technical, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytecnic, Preceptors I: Heri Sularno M.H, Mar.E.,Preceptors II: Sri Murdiwati S.Sos, M.Si
The propulsion MV. EGS TIDE driven by main engine 2-stroke. When running, Main engine need a scavenge air as part of combustion. The background of this thesis is the problem in main engine scavenging. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that cause a reduction of scavenge air in main engine and effort made to prevent reduction of main engine scavenge air The method used by author is Fishbone and Hazop is taking the factors and risk of hazard against an object study. Research result using idemtification problem which appear from a system and optimize with a factor and optimizing with factor human relationship.Fishbone factor accepted of 6 M,thats is Machine from engine or technology, Method is method or process, Material is consumption material. Man power is power or physical, measurement is inspection, milleu is environment The results obtained in research is a factor causing a reduction of scavenge air in main engine is dirty intercooler, dirty scavenge trunk, dirty sea water, and dirty of turbocharger blade. Effort to being made prevent the reduction of scavenge air in main engine is carry out intercooler maintenance, cleaning to the scavenge trunk, cleaning to the sea chest an turbocharge blade
Keywords: Scavenge air, Main Engine, Teori Fishbone, Teori Hazop