Eko Soim Mustofa, 2016, NIT: 43124626.T. “Pengaruh Perawatan Sistem Air Pendingin Terhadap Kerja Mesin Diesel Generator di MV. Naziha” dengan metode Fishbone, Program Diploma IV, Teknika, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: Dwi Prasetyo, M.M, M.Mar.E, Pembimbing II: Capt. Ilham Ashari, MM, M.Mar.
At the time of the diesel engine work may lead to heat. The heat generated from the combustion of fuel in the cylinder. The heat generated in the engine block require refrigeration. Definition of cooling water temperature itself is the water that is circulated continuously on the system by the value of the allowable temperature to cool and prevent expansion, overheating and also aims to prevent damage to the metal, material fatigue of deformation on the machine. Given the importance of the function of the cooling system, the existence of Reviews These systems should be treated properly. In this case I use a Fishbone method where this method is to categorize the various potential causes of a problem or issue in a way that is Easily understandable and presentable. In the which the author has Carried out onboard practice and Participate Observe disturbances contained in diesel engine cooling water systems machinery onboard generator along with officers during a high temperature of cooling water, on the 17th of June 2015 in the Java Sea. The authors formulate the problem is. What factors are causing the failure to Achieve the cooling water temperature?. How to treat the cooling water system to keep it in good working order to Achieve the cooling water temperature is normal?. The result can be concluded that the work can be used as guidelines when operating on diesel engine generator, cooler system dirty, dirty filter sea chest, the wear on the impeller, the wear on the bearings. So to do maintenance and repair is to maintain the cleanliness of the cooler, the cleanliness of the sea chest filter, replace the impeller and replace a worn bearing in order to achieve a normal pressure. With the maintenance and repair of the cooling system is expected cooling water temperature can be achieved by normal, the damage can be detected early and durability of the machine can last a long time.