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Analisa tingginya temperatur fresh water cooler pada engine diesel generator di MT. Sindang
Collection Location
Repository PIP Semarang
Call Number
Tri, Wahyudi
Series Title
Electronic Resource
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Tri Wahyudi, 2018, NIT: 50135036.T, “Analisa tingginya temperatur fresh water cooler pada engine diesel generator di MT. Sindang”, penelitian Program Studi Teknika, Program Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, pembimbing I: Achmad Wahyudiono, M.M., M.Mar.E., Pembimbing II: Capt.Firdaus Sitepu, S.ST, M.Si, M.Mar
Genset is an abbreviation of the word generator set which means a combination of two devices ie engine (player) and generator or alternator (electric generator). The principle of work law generator faraday ie when a conductor is rotated in a magnetic field to cut the magnetic force line (GGM), it will cause the electric force (GGL) in units of volts at the end of the delivery, the electric current on the ship MT.Sindang using alternating current behind (AC). If there is damage to the components in the diesel engine generator will greatly disrupt the performance of diesel generator engine because the machine serves as a source of electricity on board. Diesel engine generator failure in MT. Sindang is a generator number 1 high freshwater cooler temperature at that time is 80 ° C while the normal temperature is 60-70 ° C so that there is damage to the diesel generator components and disrupt the operational activities of the ship. The purpose of this research is to find out what the main factors that cause the high temperature fresh water cooler on diesel generator engine in MT. Sindang, to know the main impact of what happened from the high temperature fresh water cooler on diesel generator engine in MT. Sindang, and what efforts should be done to prevent high temperature fresh water cooler on diesel generator engine in MT. Sindang This study uses data analysis techniques Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) is the systematic identification of various factors to formulate problem solving strategies. Data collection techniques using questionnaire, interview, observation, documentation and literature study. The results of this study indicate that the main factor that causes the high temperature fresh water cooler to 80 ° C on diesel generator engine in MT. Sindang is a blockage of heat exchanger by the dirt from the sea and the end of zinc anode. The main impact that occurs due to high temperature fresh water cooler on diesel generator engine in MT. Sindang is the breaking of the cylinder liner and the breaking of the connecting rod on the diesel generator engine, the decrease in the engine power of the diesel generator, and the breakdown of other components. And how to anticipate the damage of connecting rod on diesel generator engine in MT. Sindang is a good management of maintenance and repair of diesel generator engines, and the availability of spare parts on board.
Keywords: fresh water cooler, diesel generator engine
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