Muji Setiyono, 2017, NIT: 49124491.N, “Optimization of Oil Spill Response
Exercises At MT. Sengeti In Effort to Tackle Oil Pollution”, thesis Nautical
Studies Program, Diploma Program IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran
Semarang, Supervisor I: Capt. Arika Palapa, M.Si., M.Mar., Supervisor II:
Laksmi Setyorini, S.Pd., M.Si.
In an effort to tackle oil pollution on board, the oil spill response training
should be done properly and optimally. To support this, efforts are needed to
overcome or minimize the factors that caused the oil spill response training is less
than optimal.
To cope with an oil spill response training in MT. Sengeti less than optimal,
the authors conducted studies using two methods of analysis are fishbone analysis to
describe the causation and methods Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat
(SWOT) analysis for problem-solving strategies.
Based on the results of fishbone analysis that has been done, outlined the
factors that cause the oil spill response training in MT. Sengeti less than optimal and
is divided into four factors: human, methods, machines and the environment. From
the results of fishbone analysis also concluded the adverse impacts if the oil pollution
on board can not be solved. Then variables in four factors are categorized into IFAS
and EFAS, for further analysis using the SWOT analysis in order to get the best
strategy for optimizing the oil spill response training in MT. Sengeti in an effort to
tackle oil pollution. The best strategy is based on the sequence of the most needed,
namely first is SO strategy that implementing and enforcing international rules
existing well, the second is ST strategy that socializing on the development of
training equipment for oil spill response when safety meeting or SOLAS training, the
third is the WO strategy, namely provide motivation and understanding of
international regulations that are assertive to be applied and implemented, and the
fourth is the WT strategy that makes management a good job so that the oil spill
response training can schedule.
Keywords: optimization, training, oil spill response