Edwin Doddy Setiawan, 2017, NIT : 49124319.N, “Prevention of Dragging
Anchor When at Anchor in Shanghai Strait on MV.NYK Lyra”, mini thesis
of Nautical Study Program, Fourth Diploma Program, Semarang Merchant
Marine Polytechnic, Supervisor I: Capt. Agus Hadi Purwantomo, M.Mar.,
Supervisor II: H. Rahyono, Sp.1, M.M., M.Mar.E.
In at anchor often encountered some problems, one of it which is the
dragging anchor to lead the ship ran aground and suffered a collision, so that to
overcome and prevent that happening, one of the way is to increase the holding
power of the chain jangkar, therefore to increase the knowledge and understanding
about dragging anchor on the container ship, the author tries to analyze and get the
problem as follows: (1) what is the cause of dragging anchor when at anchor in
Shanghai Strait on MV. NYK LYRA?, (2) how the prevention of dragging anchor
when at anchor in Shanghai Strait on MV. NYK LYRA?.
Present different references that support the theory about the cause of
dragging anchor on container ships, as well as efforts to prevent dragging anchor.
The method used by the author in delivering the problem is qualitative
method to illustrate and describe the object under study. Based on how to obtain it,
will present the data obtained in a descriptive or create a picture of the situation or
event based on the data that is accurate and has a close relationship between the
researcher and the researched.
The authors concluded that the cause of dragging anchor when at anchor in
Shanghai strait on MV. NYK Lyra is due to seabed anchors do not grip properly
and anchor chains that have rusted and faded colors could cause errors determines
the length of chain that had been in the water, resulting in a lack of holding power
that causes the dragging anchor. And prevention of dragging anchor when at
anchor in Shanghai strait on MV. NYK Lyra is to loose extra anchor chain to
increase holding power (traction), if still dragging lower the other anchor. If
necessary, use the main engines and combine with steering the ship to detain the
ship from dragging.
Keywords : dragging anchor, holding power, strait