Ratih Sulistyorini, 2017, NIT: 49124427.N, “Optimalization Oil Pollution Drill
to Defend Oil Spill on MT. Palu Sipat”, Minithesis Nautical Departemen,
Diploma IV Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Polythecnic, 1st
Supervisor: Capt. H. S. Sumardi, SH., MM., M.Mar, 2nd Supervisor: H.
Suharso, SH., SPd., SE., MM
Oil pollution by operational activity, occurs because of mechanichal damage
and human error. Based on this research, countermeasure of oil spill was not
optimally working because countermeasure’s equipment of pollution could not be
used optimally and the crew members are not able yet to anticipate oil spill
optimally. Purpose of this research are to know how to optimalize equipments and
human resource to streamlined the oil spill countermeasure on board MT. Palu
This is a descriptive qualitative research by describing detailed of pollution
countermeasure equipments and the ability of ship’s crew to anticipates oil spill
on board vessel MT. Palu Sipat that is not optimal yet and also to explain efforts
has to be done to overcome those problems. Some of the causes that make
pollution countermeasure equipments could not be used optimally are the unready
of the equipments before operational activity executed, unchecked equipments
periodically and unmaintained pollution countermeasure equipments periodically.
Effort to overcome is by preparing SOPEP equipments before operational activity
executed, serious periodical check and maintanance. The ship’s crew could not
able to anticipate oil spill optimally because crew is not understood about the
pollution countermeasure equipments and correct procedures to countermeasure
oil spill, countermesure action was not executed as per correct procedure in the
emergency drill for oil spill. Efforts to overcome those problems is by conducting
oil spill drill properly as per determained procedure and briefing and
familiarization for all crew members about the used of SOPEP equipments and
correct countermeasure procedure for oil spill. Data collected by interview,
observation, and documentation taken directly in the form of SOPEP equipments
mantenance list, drill schedule that has tobe done on board and pictures and
videos which related with oil spill countermeasure on board vessel MT. Palu
Conclusion of oil spill countermeasure could work optimally if SOPEP
equipments are well available and crew skills to overcome oil spill have been well
improved and as per correct procedures.
Keywords: Oil Pollution Drill, Defend Oil Spill.