Noviandi Hutagaol, 2017, NIT: 49124549.T, "Damage to the fresh water
generator which resulted in a decreased production of freshwater in
MT.Sengeti with Exposure facto method". Study Program Diploma IV
Engine department , Merchant Marine Polytechnic Semarang, Advisor
(1) Drs.Darjono, M.Eng (2) Capt.I Kadek Laju, SH., MM., M.Mar.
Fresh water is a very important need on board, in addition to necessary for
everyday needs by all the crew, as well as supporting the smooth working of the
machinery on board, then of the ships are generally fitted with air to produce fresh
water, called Fresh Water Generator. Where this plane functions to convert sea
water into fresh water through evaporation and condensation processes. By not
working optimally Fresh Water Generators air will affect the quality and quantity
of fresh water production. Based on that idea, so in this paper the author will be
poured with the title "The damage to the Fresh Water Generator which resulted
in a decreased production of freshwater in MT.Sengeti with Exposure facto
Given the importance of the function of the fresh water generator, the
existence of the aircraft must be treated well and the following is a factor -a factor
that causes damage to the Fresh Water Generator is a lack of vacuum in the
system Fresh Water Generators, heat absorption occurs in the air Fresh Water
Generator less and temperature engine cooling water mains incoming Fresh water
Generator as the heating medium low. as a result of factors - these factors Fresh
Water Generators can not produce fresh water corresponding to the maximum
production capacity of the Fresh Water Generator and an effort to prevent
damage to the aircraft Fresh Water Generator then there should be a maximum of
care in accordance with the manual.The method used in this research is the
method Exposure facto often referred to after the fact. That is, studies conducted
after the event took place, where in writing this essay describes all events or
events that occur on board a vessel related to the care and handling of
disturbances in Fresh Water Generator
Finally conclusions and suggestions were given on the importance of
understanding and implementation of the identification of emerging issues and
proper treatment in accordance with the instruction manual book
Keywords: Fresh water generator, Exposure facto.