Neny Indriani Hadi, 2016, NIT: 49124330.N, “Proses Bongkar dan Memuat
Avtur Di Kapal MT. Sinar Jogya”, Program Studi Nautika, Program
Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I:
Capt. H. Sumardi, SH, M.M, M.Mar, Pembimbing II: Poernomo
Dwiatmodjo, SH, MH.
Loading and dishcharging equipment that is not ready for operation and
the unpreparedness of the cargo tank will result in losses for the company. In
carrying out the loading on ship MT. Sinar Jogya there are some problems, that is
why there is a delay the process of discharging and loading, and why efforts
should be made to prevent damage charge, because of that heed to fast handing
for that problem to make a efisien loading on time,that is with away of be fourd
loading equipment was damage, must quickly replace with new equipment and
doing maintenance to equipment.
Remember is important to fungtion of loading equipment and tank
liearing realization so exsistance of loading equipmentto be in good treatment
and doing tank clearing compair with the prosedure,in this minithesis
writing,writer us kualitatif metode with abservational analitic approach of
problem,that with monitor the activity and doing live interview to crew ship MT.
Sinar Jogya.
To carry out maintenance tool routinely loading and increase accuracy
in work. So the company does’t lose operational disruption caused by ships, by
the end chart paper the author presents conclusions and suggestion.
Keyword: tanker, dishcharge and loadingNeny Indriani Hadi, 2016, NIT: 49124330.N, “Proses Bongkar dan Memuat
Avtur Di Kapal MT. Sinar Jogya”, Program Studi Nautika, Program
Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I:
Capt. H. Sumardi, SH, M.M, M.Mar, Pembimbing II: Poernomo
Dwiatmodjo, SH, MH.
Loading and dishcharging equipment that is not ready for operation and
the unpreparedness of the cargo tank will result in losses for the company. In
carrying out the loading on ship MT. Sinar Jogya there are some problems, that is
why there is a delay the process of discharging and loading, and why efforts
should be made to prevent damage charge, because of that heed to fast handing
for that problem to make a efisien loading on time,that is with away of be fourd
loading equipment was damage, must quickly replace with new equipment and
doing maintenance to equipment.
Remember is important to fungtion of loading equipment and tank
liearing realization so exsistance of loading equipmentto be in good treatment
and doing tank clearing compair with the prosedure,in this minithesis
writing,writer us kualitatif metode with abservational analitic approach of
problem,that with monitor the activity and doing live interview to crew ship MT.
Sinar Jogya.
To carry out maintenance tool routinely loading and increase accuracy
in work. So the company does’t lose operational disruption caused by ships, by
the end chart paper the author presents conclusions and suggestion.
Keyword: tanker, dishcharge and loading