Ilham Ramadiansyah, 2017, NIT : 50134969. T, “The Optimization of MGPS (MARINE
GROWTH PREVENTION SYSTEM) performance of the seawater cooling system in the
auxiliary condenser on MV. Pewee” diploma IV study program , Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran
Semarang , 1st supervisor : H. Mustholiq , MM, 2nd supervisor : Capt. Didi Sumadi
MGPS works by electrolyte methods or principles that work to provide continuous
protection by using chemicals. With the incorporation of two systems namely the installation
of anti-fouling pipes and corrosion suppression with a low voltage power supply control
panel which is channelled to an anode directly connected to fluid within the pipeline to
minimize the effect of acidity of the liquid level on corrosion processes along the pipeline
The system consists of a pair of copper and aluminium called anodes mounted on the
filter entering the liquid to be neutralized . The copper anode produces ions flowing through
the liquid medium in direct contact with it . And the ions are potential to share off the growth
of shells ad barnacles along the anode current flow range , without the protection of antifouling
pipes , pipes may be full of long standing organisms that can lead to blockages there
by reducing system efficiency in pipeline installations mounted on the filter entering fluid.
From the problems experienced by the authors, the formulation of the problem is by
looking for factors there are not optimal for MGPS work and effort to overcome and perform
qualitative descriptive data collection with method of urgency ,seriousness and growth.
The result of this study indicates that MGPS does not work optimally due to the
occurence of the crust building . The occurence of corrosion in the MGPS output pipe that
can inhibit the formation of the electric current.
Keywords: MGPS, Auxiliary Condensor, Cooler, Urgency Serioussnes Growth