Fajar Dwi Cahyo, 50135055, 2017: "The effort of PT. Handil Bhakti Persada Avoiding Occurrence of Claim From Shipowner In Transhipment Activity of Coal In Port of Taboneo Banjarmasin", Port and Shipping Study Program, Diploma IV Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Politechnic, Supervisor I: Sri Purwantini, S.E, S.Pd, M.M, Supervisor II: Capt. H. Suherman, M. Mar.
At the time of coal transhipment activities in Taboneo port of Banjarmsin, stevedoring company often make mistakes in the loading procedure which is detrimental to the shipowner. From the error there will be a claim from the shipowner to the stevedoring company. In this research, the researcher uses qualitative descriptive research method because it has the purpose of revealing facts, circumstances, phenomena, variables and circumstances that occur when the study runs and provide data as it is so that in this study get the actual research results. Data collection was done by interview, observation, documentation and literature. Data analysis technique in this thesis using data reduction techniques, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed cause of the claim from shipowner to PT. Handil Bhakti Persada during coal transshipment, the impact of grab to mother vessel ralling and direct collision between barge with mother vessel stomach. The effect that occurs when coal transhipment activities experience a claim, namely the process of coal transhipment activity is hampered and reduce revenue of PT. Handil Bhakti Persada. Efforts made by PT. Handil Bhakti Persada to avoid any claims during coal transhipment activities by using tug assistance during barge tackling, proper installation of dapra on the mother vessel stomach and conducting briefing to labour before the coal transhipment activity.