Farida Putu Yahya, 50135085 K, 2017 Analysis of Making, Extending, Substituting
and Extra Functions of Seaman Book in First Class Port of Tanjung Emas
Semarang, mini thesis Department Port and Shipping Management, Diploma IV
Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Politechnic, Advisor I: H. Suharso, S.H.,
S.Pd., S.E., M.M., Supervisor II: Agus Hendro Waskito., M.M., M.Mar.E.
Seafarers that will be working at the ship should have competence and self
document, and after that, they should be legally certified. Seaman book is one of the
document that should be owned other than sea labour contract. Along with the
development of knowledge and technology, the quality also the network of seaman
book publishing should fulfill the international standard right now. It is still unsure
that society know the source of seaman book, thus, the making, substituting, and
extending seaman’s book should be analysed more. The purpose of this research are:
to know what kind of document that needed to make seaman’s book, how long the
making of seaman’s book and the requirements, how is the substituting progress and
extra function of seaman’s book.The type of the research is descriptive which means,
it describes as it is. The data count progress is using qualitative method because it
doesn’t require numbers neither statistic count. The method that used to collect the
data are observation, interview, literature and documentation.
The research shows that First Class of Port Authority Tanjung Emas Semarang
serves the making, extending, and substituting seaman’s book application. Seaman’s
book that made in First Class Port Authority Tanjung Emas Semarang can be
extended at other Port Authory from different area, even in Attacheof Liason
Indonesian Embassy. This procedure has been estabilshed with KM No 30 year 2008
about Seamen’s Identity Document. All of the progress officially costs that include
into PNBP. In plain view, there is no such case like corruption, illegal tax at First
Class Port Authority Tanjung Emas Semarang. This research also contains
suggestions for First Class Port Authority Tanjung Emas Semarang and people who
use this service: although First Class Port Authority Tanjung Emas Semarang has
probability to serve seaman’s book online application, it is suggested to First Class
Port Authority Tanjung Emas Semarang office to allow offline service, because not
all of people familiar with online system; For people who want to extend seaman’s
book in First Class Port Authority Tanjung Emas Semarang, it is better to look for
complete information about the procedure; Things that already valid in First Class
Port Authority Tanjung Emas Semarangalready estabilshed in the regulation,
eventhough sometimes in several places have different explanation. Eventhough
regulation open the chance to change the lost seaman’s book, this chance better not to
be misuse by seaman who has problematic document and pretend to lost his
document; To the several sides, such as bank, it is suggested to admit seaman’s book
as official identity document because it is published by official authority.