Dony Ahmad Nugroho, 5034963.T, 2017, Identification of Flue Gas Exhaust
Valve at MT. Martha Tender, Diploma Program IV Department of
Teknika, Merchant Marine Polytechnic Semarang , Supervisor I:
H.Sumarno PS, M.M., M.Mar.E, Supervisor II: Ir. Fitri Kensiwi, M.Pd.
The exhaust valve is one type of valve which is the main component in the
diesel motor whether it is four neither the two nor the two that serves as a valve to
open and close the flow from the combustion gases leaving the combustion from
the cylinder or combustion chamber to the exhaust valve manifold . The purpose
of this study is to determine the cause of disturbance in the exhaust gas valve of
the parent motor.
The method used in this thesis is Qualitative Descriptive method with
ultrasound part method to determine the priority of the problem. The formulation
of the problem of this research is what factors cause disruption of exhaust valves,
and how efforts are made to the existing problems.
The results obtained from the identification of the research indicate that
the disturbance of the engine exhaust valve is a compression leakage in the valve
caused by wear and tear on the spindle and the seat, the use of the valve exceeding
working hours, and the blockage of the cooling water in the seating. Efforts are
made to overcome the disruption of exhaust valve is to do grinding, maintenance
according to valve working hours and cleaning the pit of cooling water in the
Keywords: Exhaust Gas Valve, Research Methods, Causes of disturbance and
efforts made.