Riki Mandala Putra, 2017, NIT: 50134947.T “Less good fuel abduction cause power drop in main engine’s vessel”, Engine department, Diploma IV Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytecnic, Advicer I : H. Rahyono, S.Pi, MM, M.Mar.E. danAdvicer II: R.A.J SusiloHadiWibowo S. IP, M.M
Abduction come from perfectless firing process inside the cylinder. Lack of firing silinder caused by fuel pressure that drop.In this case writeer want to describe problem analytic in fogging effect to main engine performance.
Method used is Urgency, Seriousness, Growth, which is one way to make issues priority that has to be done with deciding urgency level, seriousness and issues development with 1-5 or 1-10. Data collective technic done by observation, documentation, and live study to subject that connected with fogging effect to main engine.
There are many effect from fogging effect in MT. NEW WINNER. From those effects can be find analytic to find the basic cause. In MT.NEW WINNER, fogging effect caused by injector that not maximal and bad fuel quality. Fuel and injector are component that not did not meet the criteria so firing in silinder become not success and fogging works not optimally.
With abstract above writer conclude that fuel fogging caused by some factors which are fuel injector that not maximal, bad fuel quality, fuel pump that not work optimally.