Devi Tri Wulandari, 2017, NIT: 50134777.N, “Implememtation of loading and
discharging process of oil product avtur in MT. Sinar Jogya vessel”,
Nautical department, Diploma IV programme, Semarang Merchant
Marine Polytecnic, Lecturer I: Capt. H. S. Sumardi, SH, MM, M.Mar
Lecturer II: Daryanto, SH, MM.
Oil product avtur is special fuel based on gas oil which used for plane
power and the quality is higher than other. According to observe result, discharge
process in MT. Sinar Jogya vessel get obstacles caused of some problems from
pump factor that used had broken or from measuring tools that not standarized and
also not exact calculation. The purpose of this observation is to know how the
loading discharging process going on and knowing caused of obstacle when
loading discharging happen in MT. Sinar Jogya vessel.
This observation use USG (urgency, seriousness, growth) which is methed
that used to detecmine a priority problem and use qualitative method by describe
specifically about implementation loading discharging process avtur in MT. Sinar
Jogya vessel and explain the obstacle also effort to salve it.
Loading discharging process is one of loading and discharging by moving
freight from land to vessel or from vessel to land. The obstacle while loading
discharging process is lack of crew experience in implementation of loading
discharging process, lack of checking and maintenance loading discharging tools
also having freight difference. An effort to salve it by doing loading discharging
process according to procedure, introduce to new crew about loading discharging
process in right way, also doing routine maintenance to loading discharging
process and also other support tools.
Submitting data by observe and take documentation like loading data,
photo which related to loading discharging process in MT. Sinar Jogya vessel.
Loading discharging process of oil product avtur can going successfully if loading
discharging process doing based on procedure and supported by loading
discharging process that standarized.
Kata kunci: Oil Product Avtur, loading discharging, implementation.