Daniel Yust Rizal Maretta, 2017, 50135051.K, “Analysis of CPO (Crude Palm
Oil) Freezing During Loading at Port of DABN Gresik”, Thesis Port
and Shipping department , Diploma IV Program, Semarang
Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Supervisor I: Sri Murdiwati, S.Sos.,
M.Si Supervisor II: H. Aslang, M.Pd., M.Mar.E.
In the special port owned by PT DABN takes place the loading of crude
palm oil (CPO) products. The problem faced by the port is often the occurrence of
freezing during the process of loading crude palm oil (CPO). This research aims
to determine the causes of freezing during the loading process of crude palm oil
(CPO), the impact caused by the freezing, and efforts made to prevent reoccurrence
of freezing during the process of loading crude palm oil (CPO) at the
port of Gresik.
The method that author used in this research is descriptive and
qualitative. This research is written descriptively containing the description and
explanation of several theories as well as connected one variable with another
variable. In this research the author tries to give an explanation of how the loading
process of crude palm oil (cpo) at the port of DABN Gresik. In addition, this
research also uses data from observations directly or indirectly, interviews with
stakeholders, and literature studies.
The factors causing freezing during the loading of crude palm oil (CPO)
at port of DABN Gresik are unpredictable weather conditions with lower than
usual air temperature, unsuitable loading process procedures, and crude palm oil
(CPO) will loaded in the shore tank take too long duration. The impacts caused by
the freezing is delayed loading process, berthing time becomes longer, as well as
increased operational costs. Efforts are made to prevent freezing during crude
palm oil loading process (CPO) at port of DBN Gresik is to pay attention to
weather forecast issued by BMKG before loading process carried on, put loading
ramp / shore tank on a closed shelter protected from weather Outside, direct
loading from truck to shore tank and directly pumped into the vessel so that
loading process can be sustainable, as well as supervise and train the stevedoring
labor at port of DABN Gresik. From this research is expected process of crude
palm oil (CPO) loading at port of DABN Gresik can fluently held and reduce
costs which caused by freezing of crude palm oil (CPO).
Keywords: Freezing, Crude Palm Oil, Loading.