Arifah Ahsani Taqwim, 2017, 50135080.K, “Identification About Competence Improvement Of English For LNG Vessel’s ABK By Marlin Test Method At PT. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk”, Minithesys of Port and Shipping Department, Diploma IV Programme, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Advisor I : Daryanto, S.H., M.M., Advisor II: Capt. Dwi Antoro, M.M., M.Mar.
Marlin test is one of English test which must be doing by crew (ABK) in all over the world especially for ABK in LNG vessel of PT. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk company. Marlin test is tools which used by PT. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk company to get ABK with good quality in English. This research concern to Identification about competence improvement of English for LNG Vessel’s ABK by Marlin test at PT. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk. Description that written in this research is about importence to do Marlin test and what kind of factors that influence lack of ABK’s English ability.
The author use descriptive qualitative method to describe and explain the object which observed. The author involve in finding data process by observing and analyzing fact and object characteristic and subject which observed directly. This method has purpose to get over all description and obvious about influence of Marlin test about competence improvement of English for LNG’s vessel ABK at PT. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk. Collecting data technic which used in this researched is primary data and seconary data. Beside that, this research is also use observation method, interview, and questionnaire.
From the observation result which have been done by author that the factors which influence lack of ABK’s English ability is Marlin test facility which not use nicely by ABK, less of briefing from company before ABK doing Marlin test, less time and motivation to study English and also environment factor. To solve that things needed an effort to do by PT. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk which is better to give briefing about the steps or way to do Marlin test, give motivation before doing Marlin test for ABK candidate and tell to ABK to join English training in course or following in house training before doing Marlin test.
Keywords : Identification, English competency, ABK, Marlin test, PT. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk