Rahayu Dwi Santoso, 2017, 50135067. K, “Optimization Procurement Spare Part Division Technical Fleet I To Support Ship Maintenance And Engine Repair In PT. Pertamina Shipping Jakarta”. Port And Shipping Department Thesis, Diploma IV Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Material Adviser (I): Nur Rohmah, SE., M.M., and Writing Adviser (II): Capt. Arika Palapa, M. Si, M.Mar.
Demand for ship goods and services at PT. Pertamina Perkapalan Jakarta which is urgent done with direct appointment system. Prolonged procurement of goods / services resulted in inhibition of the smooth performance of the vessel. This research to determine the implementation of the procurement process spare part technical division fleet I at PT. Pertamina Shipping Jakarta, to know the obstacles encountered in the implementation of the procurement process of spare parts of the ship and to know the efforts made to overcome the obstacle in the procurement of spare part division technical fleet I in order to support the maintenance and repair of ship engines in PT. Pertamina Shipping Jakarta. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by describing in detail the implementation of procurement process of spare part of technical fleet division I in PT. Pertamina Shipping Jakarta to find some obstacles in the process. The result of research shows that the process of procurement of spare part division of technical fleet I in order to support the maintenance and repair of ship engine at PT. Pertamina Shipping Jakarta is to make a plan repair, create an action plan, justify direct appointment with completed supporting documents, make invitations to procure goods and services to vendors, receive quotes from invited and estimated vendors, make owner estimates, justify the appointment of vendors from the results Evaluation of accepted offer, negotiation, vendor providing price confirmation, making Purchase Requisition (PR), issuing SPMP (Working Letter of Working), sending email to procurement function to issue Request For Quotation (RFQ) and Purchase Order (PO), issue PO (Purchase Order) as the basis for making a contract work, making the report handover of the work, making GR (Good Receipt), billing to finance. The constraints faced by the technical fleet 1 division in the spare part procurement process are human resources, suppliers, prices, and document archiving. Efforts made by technical fleet 1 in optimizing the procurement of spare parts in PT. Pertamina Shipping Jakarta is to improve the ability of human resources (Human Resources), increasing the knowledge of vendors who have long joined / cooperated or recently joined the PT. Pertamina Shipping Jakarta, increasing the number of competent estimators so that price estimation can be done quickly and make the application of spare part list price, and document archiving in accordance with the method of procurement of goods / services.
Keywords: Spare Part, Vendor, Technical Fleet I.