Ahmad Sururi Fauzi, 2017, NIT: 50135074. K, “Analysis of Container Import
Arrangement System on Container Yard To Expedite
Delivery at PT. Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang”, Mini
Thesis of Port and Shipping Department, Diploma IV
Program, Merchant Marine Polythecnic Semarang,
Advisor (I): Nur Rohmah, S.E., M.M. Advisor (II): Dr.
Winarno, S.ST., M.H.
As a port of freight transport, the existence of PT. Terminal Peti Kemas
Semarang is needed by the industry to support the expedite delivery of goods.
Container delivery is very important for PT. Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang
which is a container operator at Tanjung Emas port. The unfavorable accuracy of
the container location will slow down the delivery performance. Therefore, it is
necessary to analyze the arrangement system of import container in container
yard to facilitate delivery at PT. Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang. The purpose of
this research is to know the system of container import arrangement in container
yard in order to expedite delivery, to know the factors that influence the system of
container import arrangement on container yard in order to expedite the delivery
and to know the impact of the container import system in the container yard to
expedite delivery at PT. Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang.
This research method is descriptive qualitative method, where researcher
take data by conducting observation so that research conducted in accordance
with method used. In addition, data collection is done by interviewing, field
research, library research and documentation in the form of data collected by the
author to facilitate the delivery of ships at PT. Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang.
The research results showed that, container arrangement system imports on
container yard to facilitate delivery activities in PT. Terminal Peti Kemas
Semarang already using automation system with Automated Rubber Tired Gantry
Cranes, but not yet applied in CY 04 and CY 06. Factors that affect container
container import system on container yard to facilitate delivery activity at PT.
Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang is from human resources and facilities and
infrastructure. The impact of import container arrangement system on container
yard to facilitate delivery at PT. Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang is a chaotic
position of import container so the truck will wait for the search from the RTG
operator to find the container to be picked up.
Keywords: Container Import, Container Yard, Delivery.