Maulina Kartika, 2017,NIT : 50134755.N, "The Process Of Discharging Bulk Cargo Coal On MV. Arimbi Baruna", Nautical Thesis, Diploma IV Program, Merchant Marine Polytechnic Semarang, Material Adviser (I): Capt. H.S. Sumardi, SH, MM, M.Mar. as Methodologi and Writing Adviser (II): Sri Suyanti, SS, M.Si
The development of sea transportation today was so advanced appropriate era development. In the port activities of PLTU Suralaya discharging coal for production. That need to be attention makes the vessel in state of ready to implement the discharge is implementation of care regularly, of them are care instrument loading and discharging. In its implementation, the discharge of cargo frequently has been delayed.
As for the purpose, to reached the research was done by the writer is to find barriers what are often faced by MV. Arimbi Baruna. In fasilitate the process of coal discharging and improve the performance in a progress of discharge and in order to avoid delay.
In this thesis rasearch method used is qualitative research methods that regulutes using several aspect such as: data collection through research library, interviews, and doeumentatian. In this case writer conducting observations directly to dock discharging bulk and MV. Arimbi Baruna, writer irnplement intewiews with supevisor that directly touch the process of discharging- A writer also taking picture to support the validity of data in writing the thesis.
The research it can be seen factors that causes delay a process of discharging the coal in port of PLTU Suralaya such as, the crane operator land less skilled, lack of treatment in equipment, the labor discharge an old age, and fire cargo incident in the hold due to ventilation system a less well.
Based on the research done should port coal of PLTU Suralaya in order to provide education skill far the crane operator and disable labor who is old age replaced by younger and professional power. On discharge equipment held routine maintenance and periodical. During the process loading ongoing and MV. Arimbi Baruna sail to the next port, use the proper hold ventilation. Thus cooperation, there is related parties to minimize constraints on the process discharging the coal,
Keyword : Discharge the coal, MV. Arimbi Baruna