Bagus Wicaksono, 49124685, 2017: "Effort to reduce the lack of cargo occurrence in coal export shipment to avoid a claim on PT. Bhumi Rantau Energi", Diploma IV Program, Minithesis of Port and Shipping Department, Semarang Merchant Marine Politechnic, Advisor I: Andy Wahyu Hermanto, ST., MT, Advisor II: Capt. H. S. Sumardi, S.H, M.M., M.Mar
PT. Bhumi Rantau Energi is one of the coal mining companies located in South Borneo. It has a coal mining area and is the coal exporter to several countries. The objectives of this study are to find out what actions lead Bumi Rantau Energi ltd to face dead-fright during the transshipment of coal exports, to find out any constraints occur during the transshipment process, and to find out what efforts Bhumi Rantau Energi ltd. take to overcome dead-freight are.
In this research, the definition of dead-freight, shipment, export, and coal were elaborated referring to the theories of transshipment of coal export. The qualitative method was used in this study; meanwhile, observation, library research, and documentation were used as the data collection. The data analysis method used in this study were data reactions, data presentations, and drawing conclusions.
The processes of coal exports transshipment conducted by Bhumi Rantau Energi ltd. in Taboneo Anchorage often experience dead-freight therefore, it leads to the claims of cargo towards the company. In this case, the company experiences several constraints that make a lot of cargo wasted, namely the condition of unsafe barge fleet to sail, unstable condition of wave in Taboneo. The efforts taken by the company to overcome these obstacles are by drafting a budget for cargo security, conducting an internal training draft survey, holding meetings with jetty contractors, making a fleet feasibility checklist, making SOP and socializing them to the fleet providers, and conducting regular job evaluations. It can be concluded that constraints in the transshipment process are closely related to internal factors therefore it needs to conduct a job evaluation and to establish good communication between one party to other parties.
Keywords: Transhipment, deadfreight, cargo claim