The purpose of this IMO model course is to assist maritime training institutes and their teaching staff to organize and introduce marine environmental awareness training.
This model course 'Marine Environmental Awareness' specifically focusses on the contribution of the human element to the prevention of pollution and is intended to educate, stimulate and empower officers on board vessels to contribute to environmentally sound shipping and to ensure compliance with pollution prevention measures.
This course is designed as an addition to courses about IMO regulations, technical installations and procedures to safeguard the environment and focusses specifically on the human element.
Better understanding of the effects of shipping on the environment will lead to better compliance with regulations and better use of technical installations and procedures.
The model course aims to inspire people to play a positive and proactive role, to take responsibility, and to contribute to environmentally sound shipping.
Those who have successfully completed the course will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the importance of preventing pollution to the (marine) environment. This knowledge shall include, but is not limited to, the following topics:
--The concept of sustainable shipping.
--The complexity and diversity of the marine environment.
--The impact of shipping on the environment.
--The role of regulations, procedures and technical installations to protect the environment.
--Marine environmental awareness and personal responsibility.
--The role of the human element and the undertaking of proactive measures to prevent pollution.
Those who have successfully completed the course shall demonstrate the intention to:
--Fully observe procedures for monitoring ship-board operations and ensure compliance and requirements for environmental protection.
--Act to ensure the positive environmental reputation of shipping is maintained.